Smoked Salmon Frittata – Cookbook Review – A Perfect Egg

Frit_1_650One of the fun things about blogging is being offered the opportunity to check out new things that I otherwise might not know hang around in the marketplace. This also is the case of cookbooks.

Cookbook love

I received the Perfect Egg from blogging for books. A fun cookbook that is right up my alley.

I have made three of the recipes already, and am offering up our smoked salmon frittata. This recipe is closely adapted from the original presented in the book. The others well also show up in various forms as the days go by.

Fritata and Love for Eggs

indexWe love eggs! Aadi has been going through this bookmarking all the cheese and dessert recipes, with the diligence of a gourmet proofreader.

The recipes, are by the type of meal such as breakfast, afternoon, dessert and in cases of recipes such as the frittata that I am offering up today, the authors have given a base recipe with plenty of variations. An Indian egg curry that is great breakfast fare can be found here.

An easy take on salmon is also not far away.

The other recipe that we enjoyed from the book was a recipe for Dimer Shoap, an Assamese variation of chop. I guess, if anything here we can see that there are a few adaptations such as adding thyme and leaving out chilies, it might serve the readers well if the authors mentioned that.

But, again, what we see here are clean recipes and an amazingly diverse collection for a volume with just 70 recipes.


The authors Jenny Park and Terry Lynn Fisher keep a beautiful blog, Fork, Spoon, Bacon filled with stunning photography and amazing comfort dishes. Actually, so indulgent, I dare not bookmark it.

I used Greek Yogurt and a little cheese, we had no capers, so I made do with cilantro and dill. However, the authors are pretty clear about the fact that their recipes are just a good guideline, not an absolute. I did tell you I loved their approach, right. With a new week creeping up on us, you might want to give this recipe a try.

Smoked Salmon Frittata

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 35 minutes

Yield: Serves 6 to 7

A simple frittata meshing smoked salmon, with some pantry staples like Greek yogurt, red onions and cilantro.


  • 5 eggs
  • 1/4 cup Greek Yogurt
  • 1/4 cup chopped red onions
  • 1/2 cup chopped smoked salmon (about 3 ounces)
  • 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
  • 3 tablespoon chopped cilantro
  • 4 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil


  1. Begin heating a 8 inch cast iron skillet on medium to low heat.
  2. In a mixing bowl beat the eggs, red onions, smoked salmon, cheese and chopped cilantro until well mixed.
  3. Add the olive oil and gently swirl to coat the pan.
  4. Add in the egg mixture and cook the mixture for about 5 to 6 minutes, gently mixing during the first one or two mixtures to all the egg to cook.
  5. While still soft and moist, place under a boiler and broil for 3 to 4 minutes, until the egg is almost set and has the palest hints of gold on the sides.
  6. Set aside for 10 to 12 minutes.
  7. Carefully run a knife gently around the sides and invert the egg and cut into pieces and serve.


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